On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Tavis Allison wrote:

> > Is there a reason why a simple work-for-hire agreement wouldn't meet
> > all of the author's needs in this instance?
> The right to be credited as the author of the work is an important one that
> the OGL handles poorly but that work-for-hire negates altogether.

The OGL doesn't deal at all with this concept; it's not meant
to. That's a matter between the author and the publisher, not the
author and some third-party licensor.

As for work-for-hire negating the concept, that's a common
misconception based on the way many companies craft their
work-for-hire agreements. There's nothing in the concept that makes
it mandatory that a company not give the author credit while buying
the work as work-for-hire; heck, it's been years since I signed a
work-for-hire contracts that didn't have author credit stipulations in

> One could
> write a guarantee that the author will be credited for the writing they do
> into a work-for-hire contract, but as a publisher I wouldn't feel
> comfortable offering such a guarantee since I might be held in breach if I
> release that work as OGC, allowing another publisher to reprint it with
> another author's name on the title page (relegating my author's name to a
> Section 15 mention alone).

Well then, the publisher should include a clause in his work-for-hire
contract that says something like "Author will be credited as
originator of the Work in any future publications by Publisher that
make use of original text from the Work." That way the publisher is
promising you that your name will forever be attached to the work, and
at the same time disclaiming what other publishers might do with
it. (The publisher might, though, want to change that to "make
substantial use," so that he won't have to give you cover credit if he
borrows a single sentence from a single feat that he then modifies
heavily.) You and the publisher can then negotiate over the form the
credit will take: do you get your name on the front cover, on the back
cover, on the credits page, or in Section 15?

And if you're still worried (as a publisher) about the possible breach
of contract caused by the release of the content as OGC, then include
a clause in the contract stating that "Author understands that certain
parts of the Work will be released as Open Game Content under the
strictures of the Open Game License v.1.0a" and then the publisher and
the author, either separately or as part of the main contract,
negotiate the details of exactly what parts of the Work will be Open,
what will be Closed, and what will be PI.

Plus, if the publisher includes the author's name in the Section 15
notice (which a lot of them do, in the form Book copyright 2005,
Publisher; Author's name), then your name is guaranteed to follow your
OGC throughout time so long as the other publishers in the chain
follow the OGL rules. Heck, in this way your name is going to be
spread far and wide in Section 15s that don't even necessarily have
any of your OGC in them, due to the nature of Section 15 duplication.

If, on the other hand, having your name follow your work only in the
Section 15s of other publishers isn't sufficient for you, then the
answer is not to publish your work under the OGL. (Or to write a lot
of Closed Content to wrap around your OGC; the OGL controls how the
Open Content will be dealt with, but you and the publisher can make
the decisions regarding the Closed Content.)

> I'm interested in the licensing possibility you raise; how would that work?

Understanding that I've never been directly involved in one of these,
basically what you do is instead of selling your work to the
publisher, you license the work to him. The two of you write up a
contract that establishes payment (which can be lump sum or royalties,
or a combination of the two; just like with a work-for-hire contract),
how the book will be credited, what the Section 15 will look like, and
who'll have what rights to sell, reprint, excerpt, promote, extend,
etc. the work. The license can be limited in duration or it can be
permanent (with a provision that it reverts one way or the other with
the death of the writer or the company).

The advantage to the licensing scheme is that you get more control
over what happens with your work. Depending on what you feel is
important to you, you can demand approval over the cover graphics, the
ability to refuse editorial suggestions; whatever you and the
publisher can agree to.

The disadvantage to the licensing scheme is that you're asking the
publisher to make concessions to you, so you're going to have to make
concessions to the publisher, most of which will come in the form of
money: the more control you want (i.e., the more rights you want to
retain for yourself), the smaller the amount of money you can expect
the publisher to want to give you (since he's paying for fewer rights 
that he otherwise would be). 

Some publishers would likely refuse a licensing deal over content that
they would normally buy outright, because it requires extra work on
their part, so be warned.

Spike Y Jones

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