Thanks everyone for your repsonses. It all makes sense if the monster names are open conent :-) Thanks for helping to clarify this.

Clark, I've emailed you.  Thanks for taking the time to respond to my query.


Clark Peterson wrote:

I'm not trying to be critical, but I list in the tome
of horrors exactly how to use the content. It gives
examples and everything. I give step by step
instructions. It is as easy as complying with the OGL
is ever going to get. No other publisher has ever put
instructions in the back of the product, to my
knowledge. Please refer to those instructions, and if
you still have questions email me or post here.

As for your email to me, I commonly (and rapidly)
respond to emails of this type. For some reason yours
must have gotten labeled as spam or otherwise been
deleted. I get over 300 messages a day. If someone I
dont know emails me with a subject that just says
"question" or something like that, it normally gets
deleted. So if you email me please use a subject line
that identifies your email as being related to Necro
and to a question about TOH.

In fact, while I am at it, why dont you tell me what
monsters you want to use and I will tell you how to do

Thanks and good luck!


--- Keith Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I want to use some of the OGC from Necromancer's The
Tome of Horrors (ToH), but was just looking for some opinions.

Many of the creatures in the ToH are used with
permission as they were previously printed by TSR. In the designation of
OGC it states:

[start quote]
All text contained within this book (including
monster names, stats, and descriptions) is hereby designated as Open Game Content with the following exceptions:

1. Any text on the inside or outside of the front or
back cover or on the Credits or Preface pages is not Open Game

2. Any advertising material - including the text of
any advertising material - is not Open Game Content.

3. Any material contained in the "Credit" section of
each monster is not Open Game Content. See the "Note on the Credit
Section" below;
    Note on the "Credit" Section: The credit section
for each creature contains information detailing the origin of the particular monster. This content is not Open Game Content, as explained above. Some material within the Credit section is copyright TSR/Wizards of the Coast and/or Necromancer Games, Inc., and is used within the Credit section by permission. You are not allowed to use any of the information in the Credit section under the Open Game License.
[end quote]

For those that haven't seen a Credit, it looks like

The Haunt originally appeared in the First Edition
module A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1981) and later in the First Edition Monster Manual II (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1983) and is used with permission.

So, am I right in thinking that the stat blocks for
these creatures are OGC, but their names (and any other info in the Credit section) is not? That is to say, I can use the stat block, so long as I use a different monster name? That's my reading of it.

To follow on, the book later sets out how they would
like the Section 15 declaration to be made, which is an entry for each individual creature used. Since I cannot use anything within a Credit, this means I cannot fulfill this (since I cannot use a name if it appears in the Credit). So, how should this best be dealt with? Is the license itself exempt from this decleration (thus allowing me to use the actual creature name)? I wouldn't have thought so. The method for setting out Section 15 is just advice (there is a disclaimer stating that it is not legal advice), so should I just add something like:

    Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene. Additonal Authors: list of additional
authors here.

I think this fulfills my legal obligations.  Not
sure about any ethical ones, however.

I have emailed Necromancer Games on this matter, but
haven't received a reply. As it has been a while I thought I'd ask

Any help, suggestions and opinions appreciated.

Many thanks!

Keith Robinson

Keith Robinson
A whole new world...

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