On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, David Shepheard wrote:

> Even the d20 System logo isn't entirely useful for customers as it gets used 
> for both fantasy and futuristic games. A product with the d20 System logo 
> might be compatible with Dungeons and Dragons or d20 Modern. The only way to 
> really tell if something is compatible, with the type of game rules you 
> prefer to use, is to flick through the book (or download a preview).

Aside from obvious things like trade dress and cover art, one way for
a publisher to make it plain which product line his d20 book supports
is to prominently display the appropriate "This book requires the use
of" disclaimer, instead of doing his best to hide the mandatory
thing. If the d20 book says right on the cover "Requires the use of
the D20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.," it's probably not for use with your D&D campaign.

Spike Y Jones

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