On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 03:01:06AM +1300, Ralph Versteegen wrote:
> My philosophy on OHR work is this: it's not worth fixing up bad code
> without a reason (or you'd never get anything done). James has been
> doing a LOT of rewritting/refactoring lately, nearly all work I would
> have thought was not worth the effort. Of course, he did add
> Mark/Clone, but I wonder what other features the sprite editors might
> see. They weren't very buggy.

Most of the refactoring I am doing is actually leading up to features i 
plan to implement later. I'm not just cleanup up back code for the heck 
of it (although strangely I *do* enjoy it)

> > > Am I insane? Or, would this be something worth pursuing?
> >
> > You are not insane.
> >
> > How about http://motherhamster.org as a starting point? The editor
> > framework needs a whole lot of work, but the capabilities of the
> > frontend are already quite good.
> Wow, you've been pulling a lot of projects out of your sleeves lately
> (that was definitely a blank page last I checked)! And there's a lot
> of work done here! A pity I don't know Python yet, so won't be playing
> around with it (just yet). Why must everyone continually remind me to
> learn Python? Still, this code looks very pleasing.
> What exactly is HamsterWheel again, a (programming not required)
> editor and player for (generic 2D?) games, using the MotherHamster
> library? I guess not: it looks to me like MotherHamster is at least
> part of that.

Motherhamster is a programming-required python library. HamsterWheel is 
(will be) the no-programming-required editor interface that accompanies 

The archetecture of motherhamster/hamsterwheel is totally different from 
the OHR. The editor is built right into the the game. I'll try to get 
some demos up there soonish.

James Paige
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