Is the engine still running at 18FPS? I guess a fair option would be
36 FPS then. Doubling the framerate would sound easier to support than
fine grained any-frame-rate.

Then you could call it from script as something like
setupdaterate(normal) and 36 would be setupdaterate(double). That way
if people really need it for something like smoother gameplay in a
minigame, they can turn it on for the minigame and then drop back to
18FPS for normal gameplay.

Then I would assume (unless you're going to make it a CUSTOM level
option) that a game should run in the existing frame rate upon load,
and require authors that want MOAR FRAMEZ to put the higher frame rate
command in their newgame / loadgame script.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 1:00 PM, James Paige <> wrote:
> Newbie Power (and others) brought up adjustable frame rate on IRC.
> People know about CTRL+ CTRL- debugging keys, and would like to be able
> to do the same from a script... but how can we safely allow a feature
> like that without adding headaches for ourselves later?
> I was previously worried about allowing this to be set at runtime,
> thinking that when it was customizable it would only be set on a
> whole-game basis in custom... but I am not sure that is a valid
> position.
> I was also previously thinking that we should make all types of
> animation speeds customizable first before allowing people to adjust
> game frame rate... but now I am thinking that is an invalid argument...
> plus, adding the frame rate customization now, would make it really easy
> to locate all the places that need their own animation speed settings.
> How do you feel about this TMC?
> Also, even if we do allow frame rate setting, we should cap it to
> something reasonable so people can't make games that depend on insanely
> fast computers, and that will not run on normal speed ones. (which they
> probably wouldn't be able to do anyway because of input issues?)
> Input issues! I almost forgot! Changing frame rates has some serious
> consequences for input too, doesn't it?
> ---
> James
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