I'm not a developer on this project but something more of a cadence would
help. I've noticed a lot of people think the engine is actually in
dead-development even though it's actively developed, since only the
technically inclined or curious are going to be subscribed to this mailing

A 3 month cadence would sound pretty good.. you could even alternate it as
"feature release" "bugsmash release" so in-the-oven stuff isn't perpetually
blocking. That's the way I like doing things. (I'm definitely not a fan of
the new "sprint/agile" methodology.. just feels like perpetual crunch)

This also might reduce stress since you wouldn't have to spend a year
getting to RC, then release it, and then rush to find that weird bug and
release a + version 2 weeks later. In a 3 month cadence, "bad versions"
wouldn't live long anyway. You'd just point people that want a quickfix to
the nightly version while awaiting the next release.

On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 4:32 PM, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com>

> On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 13 July 2017 at 22:14, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 14 July 2017 at 02:15, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
>>>>> I agree that potential backcompat problems also belongs in the
>>>>> category of reaons-to-delay-a-release
>>>>> Lets work for a 3-month release schedule. i won't fix it to specific
>>>>> months, I'll just set up reminders for the next one 3 months after each
>>>>> time we actually do a release.
>>>> Sounds agreeable, and hopefully we'll have better discipline than we've
>>>> had for the last decade!
>>> I have a good feeling about it this time :D
>>>>> I would like to still aim for an RC in the first week of August, if
>>>>> possible.
>>>> I'll be in Australia for two weeks from August 7th, and though I'll
>>>> take my netbook it would be better if the RC were earlier rather than 
>>>> later.
>>> Duly noted! Earlier rather than later!
>> Well, this isn't a RC yet, is it? Might have be a teeny bit early since
>> there's a bunch of stuff to do. I'm hoping I'll be free within a week to do
>> significant OHR work. I'm trying to finish my thesis right now.
> No, not yet, just soon-ish.
> And don't let this distract you from your thesis! We are officially adding
> Thesises to the list of valid reasons to delay a release ;)
>> I've trimmed down my TODO list for Dwimmercrafty. Here's what's left,
>> including a bunch of nearly-finished features which I expect to be able to
>> finish off in a couple days:
>> Serious bugs:
>> -fix broken frameskipping dropping frames as you get near 60fps. Causes
>> Mac to run at 30fps.
>>  And bad fps setting interaction with vsync, should tweak dowait a little
>> (still true?). No problem in fullscreen
>> -"! Unsupported default tile passability format" on e.g. POWERXE.RPG week
>> 383 map 107 Botsmir Forest
>>  Also happens in the OHRCEtutorial2017.rpg file Lisa sent 21/6/17
>>  Seems to indicate data loss?
> I if all of those existed in callipygous, they don't need to be
> dwimmercraftly blockers-- but yes, they do sound very important
>> -fridge racer graphics completely broken when compiled with scons
>> debug=3!!!
> What is our default debug level for releases?
>> -update innosetup for data/ (.exe installer doesn't install correct)
> If you haven't started already, I can that that one.
>> -fix new zone corruption bug (and finish zone testcases)
>> -some serious Ctrl-F12 bug on windows. With gifsicle present, lots of
>> cmd.exe windows
>>  pop up and F12 remains stuck until interact with window. gfx_sdl.
>> --Problem holding down F12 for a second: "Saved  and 60 more" Only
>> happens first time?
>> -merge forgotten elemental_fix dataloss bugfix
>> -fix various gdebug loadrecord errors (may cause corruption due to now
>> refusing to read?)
>> --in particular at end of file when importing scripts
>> Other bugs:
>> -finish fixing total joystick brokenness
>> -mac fullscreen zoom selection wonkiness (WillyElectrix)
> Do we know if fullscreen has ever worked correct on Mac? I can't actually
> remember if I ever tested it.
>> -finish/merge fix for the glitched text colour in the slice collection
>> editor
>> -fix find_file_portably to disallow varous filename characters
>> --more checks on filenames in rungame(), and check both .rpg and .rpgdir
>> Other:
>> -set "Touch textboxes" on by default.
> I'll do that one, it has been on my own to-do list a few weeks
>> -make suspendboxadvance stop choicebox controls too
> That seems strange to me. What is the reason for that one?
>> -pref bitset to close textbox with esc
> I can do that one.
>> -finalise a* limits and npc obstr handling
> I'll definitely finalize the ability to support different modes of
> obstruction handling, but we don't have to finish every mode, since we can
> add other modes later.
>> -whatsnew: mention Custom mouse improvements
>> -whatsnew: mention NPC pathfinding options
>> -whatsnew: mention FreeBSD
>> -whatsnew: zzo38's attack options?
> Probably best to leave those unmentioned until they have some gui hooked
> up to them
>> -find out why windows builds now much larger
>> -upload hsdecmpl and chgpal
>> Nearly finished features:
>> -merge git branches:
>> --browse32
>> --bmp import stuff
>> --better minimap
>> --mouse wheel script commands
>> --better unicode input
>> --script warnings/plotdict improvements
>> --ui colour constants
>> ---change various script commands to allow them
>> --new equip merge formula
>> --scrolling in show_help and multiline editor
>>>>> I am not worried about finishing the hero mouse controls before
>>>>> Dwimmercrafty. I don't expect them to be ready to move out of the spam 
>>>>> menu
>>>>> by then, but I don't feel the need to disable them any further either.
>>>>> I actually feel pretty good about NPC pathfinding right now. Good
>>>>> enough to remove the "EXPERIMENTAL" from the menu caption in the NPC
>>>>> editor. Are there any other aspects of it you would like to see me clean 
>>>>> up
>>>>> before dwimmercrafty, especially in the avoiding-backcompat-problems
>>>>> department?
>>>> Hero pathfinding isn't any problem. I was just concerned about
>>>> finalising how NPC pathfinding works, in particular the treatment of other
>>>> NPCs as obstacles. You added NPCInst.stillticks but it's used only for
>>>> pathfindnpcto/npcchasesnpc's stop after still ticks. I thought the idea was
>>>> to also use it to set the penalty for pathing through that NPC.
>>> Ah, yes. Well, I want to be able to choose between different modes, and
>>> the current mode of treating all npcs like moving walls is definitely one
>>> of those modes. I also want a mode that treats all NPCs as completely
>>> passable. That will often lead to getting stuck, but I think for some
>>> purposes it will be just what you want. A smarter mode that increases path
>>> cost for NPCs in the way is definitely needed also.
>>> I don't think all those modes need to be finished before dwimmercrafty.
>>> I don't see any backcompat problems because the current mode will still
>>> exist as an option even after the other modes are added, and the
>>> tread-everything-as-walls mode is probably the most intuitive default (even
>>> if it happens to be less optimal)
>> Ah. I wasn't sure whether those other modes would be useful. Having
>> branches in the code to support worse ways to do pathfinding seems a lot
>> like backcompat cruft.
> Well, I have been reading various tutorials about A*, and one thing I have
> learned is that there definitely is no possible one-size-fits-all ideal way
> to handle obstruction from moving units. Most of what I have read
> recommends one or the other extreme, hence the first two modes.
> For the smarter mode that considers how long a unit has been stationary,
> there is a lot of room for fine tuning. At the bare minimum, I think that
> one is going to require at least one more configuration option. I expect
> that this mode won't be ready before dwimmercrafty, but I'll definitely get
> the other two implemented.
> I like the way the current mode obstructs, and I think it will be a good
> default, even if it isn't right for every purpose.
>> But I perhaps sometimes you want your little slimes to run back and forth
>> helplessly confused!
>> Another potential mode was to be smart about not throwing away and
>> recomputing paths every step (which I would have hoped would be the
>> default).
> Oh! Thank you for reminding me.
> I think it will be called "Pathfind steps at a time:" and default to 1.
> The NPC instance will keep a small vector of planned steps and use them
> before it pathfinds again. if it collides with anything, it can throw them
> away and try again
> I'll also need an argument for "pathfind npc to" that sets this.
> This sounds fun, hopefully I'll have time to do it soon.
>>> Also, the npc_ccache is populated by placing each NPC at the nearest
>>>> tile, which is different from how collision checking actually works (which
>>>> is to add x/ygo to get the tile being moved to), and I wonder whether that
>>>> matters.
>>> Oh! Good catch. I'll fix that. Probably doesn't break anything being the
>>> way it is, but better to make it more correct.
>> I actually suspected that the previous wrong way would look better, since
>> if you have a row of NPCs stuck after each other, each would begin to move
>> after the one in front has moved after a step. In theory. Actually, it's
>> hard to see the difference.
> Agreed. It is a pretty subtle difference
>>>> Also, there were one or two more optimisations I wanted to make (though
>>>> I'm mostly done with that). Unfortunately anything that changes tile
>>>> breaking or max-search handling even slightly is a potential change to
>>>> behaviour in edge cases.
>>> That is true. I think that the documentation for pathfinding will need
>>> to mention the possibility that exact paths calculated aren't guaranteed to
>>> be identical in different versions.
>>>>> I know vehicle pathfinding and pushing-npcs still need work, but those
>>>>> are both hero-pathfinding issues, not NPC pathfinding issues.
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 10:35 PM, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> I trust you saw my reply on SS already.
>>>>>> My two comments were that first, I'm not sure about a strict
>>>>>> schedule, and second that we should also hold up releases for anything 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> could cause backcompat problems. Although as you say, we're generally 
>>>>>> good
>>>>>> about keeping unfinished features disabled or out of sight. For example
>>>>>> right now I would refuse a release until pathfinding is better nailed 
>>>>>> down.
>>>>>> Also, doing release candidates is a good. So the actual release date
>>>>>> is whenever the RC is ready.
>>>>>> Although we've been really active the last 7 months or so, we have
>>>>>> sometimes gone couple month without doing any substantial work on the
>>>>>> engine. Sometimes no commits for over a month. At our current activity
>>>>>> level a 3 month release cycle could even be too long, while other times
>>>>>> there wouldn't anything to release.
>>>>>> Lets take a look..
>>>>>> http://tmc.castleparadox.com/ohr/gitstats/activity.html
>>>>>> And what if we want to release in less than 3 months after the last
>>>>>> release? Sometimes we might want to release while things are stable, 
>>>>>> before
>>>>>> starting on something destabilising.
>>>>>> I was hoping that we would release Dwimmercrafty this month, but
>>>>>> actually with only two weeks left even a RC at the end of the month may 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> unlikely.
>>>>>> I don't remember if we've ever set a schedule for a release "X months
>>>>>> from now" rather than just near-term ones like "2 weeks from now". I 
>>>>>> think
>>>>>> being able to see from months away when we want the next release to occur
>>>>>> will be very helpful, and that we can manage to stick to it.
>>>>>> On 13 July 2017 at 06:40, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I mentioned this once already in a thread on on slimesalad, but I
>>>>>>> thought this might be a better place to discuss the idea.
>>>>>>> I was thinking we should switch to a quarterly stable release
>>>>>>> schedule, rather than a whenever-we-feel-everything-im
>>>>>>> portant-that-we-wanted-to-add-has-been-finished schedule.
>>>>>>> We could do an August/November/February/May rotation, where I would
>>>>>>> branch and upload the stable release some day on the first full week of
>>>>>>> each of those months.
>>>>>>> I can set up a calendar alert that goes to this mailing list to warn
>>>>>>> us when the next release is 1 and 2 weeks away, so we have time to wrap 
>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>> last minute stuff.
>>>>>>> The only things that would block a release would be critical or
>>>>>>> datalossy bugs, or other substantial problems that would make a new 
>>>>>>> stable
>>>>>>> release measurably less stable than the previous one.
>>>>>>> Half finished features would not be an excuse to delay a release,
>>>>>>> because honestly, this whole program is a big beautiful muddy wad of
>>>>>>> half-finished features, and it always has been and it always will be, 
>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>> wouldn't have it any other way ;)
>>>>>>> I think we have actually been doing a pretty good job of keeping the
>>>>>>> nightly wip versions safe and stable, keeping the unfinished stuff more 
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> less comfined to the "spam" menu, so I think this change is pretty 
>>>>>>> low-risk.
>>>>>>> Thoughts?
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