On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Alasdair Lumsden <alasdai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> One of the outstanding things we need to do as a project is set up the 
> governing structure so the project is more democratic and inclusive.
> Having discussed this with a few people, I'd like to propose the following 
> structure:
> 1. OpenIndiana Governing Council (OIGC)
> 2. OpenIndiana Developer Council (OIDC)

A tried-and-true model. ;)

> For the above two councils, we should obtain nominations and hold votes at 
> some point in the near future (once oi_148 is complete seems a reasonable 
> time schedule).

Yeah, that's probably the earliest time frame we want to start
spending time on this.

> Then to manage the project, we will need a set of teams with well defined 
> remits/responsibilities, providing accountability etc, so when schedules 
> slip, we know who to go to to get the situation resolved and things back on 
> track. Each team will consist of a team leader, and depending on the size of 
> the team 1 or more assistant-team-leads (Who can fill in in the 
> absence/unavailability of the team leader)
> Here is the list of teams I came up with:
> 1. Infrastructure Team

Any case where Alasdair may remain the only person with authority to
make changes for technical reasons (example: the CDN) should be
considered bugs and filed as such, even if they are unavoidable in the
near term.

> 3. Consolidation Builders Team

Once we have more repeatable builds and automation, the balance of
work here should tip towards maintaining our own changes and working
with upstream where applicable. The "Builders" part of the name would
be de-emphasized.

> 4. Website, Wiki & Marketing Team

Artwork and logos would fall within this team's responsibility as
well. (I'll also repeat that I don't endorse the obvious conflict of
interest in having a stake in our own Wikipedia article).

> I think this just about covers it.

A documentation team will be very important going forward, with no
rights to reproduce most of the official Solaris docs and the man
pages already falling behind.


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