
Why not give path64 a try? At least for 64bit bins.

On May 23, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:

> Hi All,
> As per discussions on IRC, I'd like to formalise plans for the transition 
> from Sun Studio to open source compiler suites. This is a medium-term 
> transition plan, rather than a sweeping change.
> So far the general working plan I've put together based on feedback is:
> 1. Add gcc 4.5.3 support (or gcc 4.6) with LinkTimeOptimization disabled
> 2. Follow the library layout guidelines set down by SFE
> 3. Compile gcc to use Sun ld, but GNU as
> 4. Use libstdc++ only where localisation is not affected
> 5. Compile and supply llvm/clang
> 6. Ensure software we transition from Sun Studio compiles with both gcc and 
> llvm/clang
> 7. Use gcc as the shipping default with a view to switching to llvm/clang at 
> a future date, but allow either to be picked easily when it achieves 
> performance and feature parity
> We can begin this process by applying the policy on new software we add to 
> OI. How we transition our core consolidations can be discussed later on.
> If anyone has any serious objections to the above, let me know, otherwise 
> I'll get this written up on the wiki as a policy.
> Cheers,
> Alasdair
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