On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 23:01 +0400, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> There is a way in the audio810.conf to restrict the channels to stereo.  I 
> cannot recsll offhand and I cannot check the source atm, but if you try it 
> you might get better results.

Thanks for the head's up.  I previously examined audio810.conf but
didn't find any such knobs documented therein. Nor does man audio810
make any such mention so it must be yet another undocumented
feature... ;-P

In all I've tried 4 different audio cards, plus the nVidia onboard and
none of them work. Some make sounds in "test" mode, but no audio
playback in anything Gnome, so it would seem that there are combination
of both driver and Gnome issues at play here.

In light of the general workstation usage testing I've done the past
several days, I'm none too optimistic about 151 stable being actually
ready for prime time anytime soon.  End of May, no way. July 4th would
be kind of cool since it's Independence Day here in US but unless a
bunch of coders crawl out of the woodwork for a hackfest, I suspect that
will also prove overly optimistic.

Else otherwise will have to be released with numerous bugs/glitches to
be patched later.  Perhaps a good thing if attracts more developer
talent but I personally think would result in more harm from negative
press than pushing it out another several weeks or months.

Hopefully my comments above are taken as an effort to be constructive
rather than whinning about itches I'm expecting others to scratch for

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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