On Thu, 2011-06-23 at 02:26 +0200, Jesus Cea wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 23/06/11 02:05, Andrzej Szeszo wrote:
> > By the way - I quite like mercurial. If someone can demonstrate how to
> > do rebase but using mercurial I'd be willing to try it out. Thanks in
> > advance!
> Uhm?. Mercurial has "rebase" too, for at least a year or more. What am I
> missing?.
> In any case, if interoperativity between GIT and Mercurial is so easy as
> some say, we don't need to migrate anything. Whoever wants to use GIT,
> just clone the mercurial repository under local GIT management.
> Like I do (for simple stuff) cloning GIT repositories under my mercurial
> control (for read-only stuff, I don't want things exploding in my face).
> Really, I don't see the point...

Because despite Baryard's well reasoned pleas, it has yet to be made.
At least from my perspective, at this point it pretty much boils down to
following the penguinista masses....

I have it on fairly reliable authority that HP is/will be moving to Git.
Now I'd really like to get a look at the supporting documentation for
this, but perhaps it's nothing more than more penguinista kook-aide?

Indeed, as Garret points out, whenever I see this question come up the
ensuing discussion seems to typically be more along lines of personal
preference/familiarity and/or religious war than technical analysis.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

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