On 2 Mar 2012, at 05:48, Richard PALO wrote:
> bad news, the latest binary update from
> http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/binary/v9.1.3/solaris/solaris11/
> requires OpenSSL 1.0.0.

Boo! That sucks.

> (probably because Oracle compiled it)

Hmm, I have my doubts, as Oracle yanked all traces of Postgresql out of Solaris 
11. But who knows!

> So, the question is  will OpenSSL 1.0.0 make it into the upcoming
> stable release?

No, due to the huge number of things the version bump touches. But it is in 

> I guess one could also ask if a useable 9.1.3 pg release (with a
> compatible pgadmin) will make it into the base oi repositories?

If new versions of Postgresql arrive,  probably only into /experimental and 
thus into the next /dev release after /stable comes out.



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