> While having a lead is important, I don't think it's as important in the

> day-to-day operation of the project. A project lead should really be
> only necessary when high-level either/or decisions are to be made. The
> rest of the time, I believe rough community consensus should work out
> just fine to steer the project.
> So a much more pressing question that needs to be answered, IMO, is to
> establish some sort of direction in the individual components of OI and
> delegate responsibility. I think finding people for these smaller
> components will be much easier.
> Anyway, just my quick thoughts on the matter...
> Cheers,
> --
> Saso

I have been in and out of the OpenIndiana community this year and have just 
returned to OI full-time in recent weeks, so I'm not completely informed on how 
things have been going, but one of the major points I took away from Alasdair's 
comments was that we have a number of areas where one person is given control 
of a component, or falls into it de facto, and then everything bottlenecks with 
them if they don't keep up. Alasdair mentioned illumos-userland as being the 
"final straw," and it sounds like that is what is happening there (perhaps with 
some other OI/Illumos politics involved; I am still catching up on this). I 
have also heard tell that one person is shouldering the responsibility of 
building all of the prestable releases alone. Getting rid of these types of 
situations strikes me as being among the higher priorities. Perhaps there are 
some ways contributors could be more strongly encouraged to commit/publish 
their work and not sit on it on their
 personal machines?

I might be overlooking something, but much of the work people have done doesn't 
appear to be documented, nor is there an easily-accessible listing of who is 
responsible for which parts. The only way I have been able to get this kind of 
information is by digging through IRC logs, which is not very encouraging to 
someone who wants to get involved. Hearing things like the fact that someone 
has built the latest JDS and userland, but hasn't shared it, or even 
information about how to do it, is really discouraging. Having something 
front-and-center describing what needs to be done and who to contact about it 
rather than just a vague suggestion to read the mailing lists or IRC would 
probably lower the entry barrier for contributing.

On that note, I'd be grateful to have some of this explained to me. I've messed 
around with OI independently for some time, but haven't publicly asked about 
contributing yet. The drama surrounding Alasdair's resignation happened to 
coincide with me switching back to OI as my primary desktop platform after a 
six-month hiatus, and has brought to my attention how much help is needed. I'm 
not much of a developer, but I can build and test things. I'm particularly 
interested in details about the process of making an OI binary release from all 
the individual components and what the current sticking points are.

Thanks to all those who have gotten OpenIndiana this far.

Ian Johnson

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