On 05/09/2012 21:58, Joerg Schilling wrote:
Alasdair Lumsden <alasdai...@gmail.com> wrote:
It seems that you missunderstand the problem.

The main issue is that the build system linked against /usr instead of linking
against something like: /home/user/proto/usr

userland-gate still links against /usr - it has a per-package proto area rather than a build-system wide proto area.

-       It may be that you would need to manually install at least older
        versions of strategic tools before you may start to compile at all.
        The programs in question are gmake, bash, gm4, ...

That is not an issue with userland-gate or oi-build. You do have to
install gmake, bash and a bunch of dependencies, but they're all
available in the package repo.

It is not a real issue with SchilliX either but for a looking at a
self-contained system it would.

-       It installs unmodified autoconf results in /usr/include with the
        effect that you cannot compile depending other software using
        an older version of the compilers than the one you used to compile

Can you supply an example? I'm not sure I understand this complaint.

Check e.g. the notes about sfw in:


"You need to comment out line 71 of the file /usr/include/net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h
do that it then looks this way:


This is needed as the sunstudio-12 compiler and gcc-3.4.3 do not support __FUNCTION__"

That's an autoconf problem, not a problem with the build system. If you build software with a new compiler, autoconf will detect its new features.

To work around it, the net-snmp build recipe can modify the generated header prior to packaging it.

However, typically a distribution will ship with a particular supported compiler version, and the headers of the software on the system will match that version. It is unreasonable to expect an older compiler to link against all software delivered by the system when the system uses a newer compiler.

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