On 04/09/2012 23:45, g...@genashor.com wrote:
I've cleaned up and updated isc-dhcp to 4.2.4-R1. This already has the
updates provided by Oracle so I removed the patches which are not
required. I also removed duplicate items in the p5m file and fixed the
Makefile so the BIND sub-module gets built correctly. This is my first
foray into helping with oi userland so be critical so I can grow as a
contributor. Thanks.

My clone is at https://bitbucket.org/ggendel/oi-build

Hi Gary,

Thanks for contributing this - I see you also updated the copyright/license notice as per Adam's comments - thanks for doing that.

Just one last thing - you removed dhcpd4.leases~, dhcpd6.leases and dhcpd6.leases~ - could you talk me through this change?



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