Hi there,

My name is Hans-Peter Carpenter and I am English. I am a tech writer for a Dutch software vendor and would like to contribute some of my time in the evenings to improve your doc.

I have experience with Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD and a few other flavors of Unix. I know how to use cvs, subversion,bugziller, tracamong "many" other pieces of software.

I write both the doc and doc tools at my current employer. I used to author in XML with OxygenXML, now I author in JSPwiki and convert that to XML with a few awk scripts - authoring is simple, since the wiki content is in cvs which I check out and author from there with vi, sed, awk... output is in HTML and PDF.

First of all, I would like to know where I would be needed- gimme a bug and instructions on where I should send my interpretation of a fix and we will work from there. I could not find a task in wiki, page is TBD.

Who is in charge of the documentation?



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