What if we created a "branch" from the kernel that would then allow portability across all platforms. Kinda like the Motorola / Android / Ubuntu project they had a few years back. In the project they had 1 android phone that when placed on a dock was able to use the android kernel and run an Ubuntu desktop natively.

Totally agree on the developer / sysadmin perspective that the "daily driver" just "needs to work" so I have used Apple in the past. Fed up with the walled garden mentality of the iPhone I started to look at the different brands and marketing approaches that have been used in the past to work on a project that would be affordable, have a commercial branch for support and be up to date. If (any of) the commercial branch(s) create changes within the code, they would be required to release the code after a "grace period" (thinking about monthly releases if viable so 32 days for the release of the commercial changes to give the open group ~ a month to add it in for the next release and those that wish to pay for the support services would have the improvements, patches and releases 2 months in advance if not added already into the open group)

I would be open to discussion about starting a commercial group based on the Open Indiana / illumos platform.

James R. M. Winter

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