Hi Erol,

On Jul 10, 2013, at 11:50 PM, Erol Zavidic <ero...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good evening folks,
> thanks for your feedbacks so far, here's the summary clustered in some way:
> 1.0 - Release Engineering:
> 1.1    - should not be bureaucratic, i.e. rather an internal agreement (Alex)
I support this type for now.
> 1.2    - the process of pushing updates to /dev or /stable repos is undefined 
> (Alex)
> 1.3    - safeguarding /stable repo (Jon)
> 1.4    - streamline code review and integration process LGTMs (Adam)
> 1.5    - build of many desktop packages impossible due to missing Manifests 
> (David)
> 1.6    - creation of development, release and stable branches within hipster 
> repository (Erol)
> 1.7    - implementing feature requests (as Ken did), assigning tasks to 
> available developers (Erol)
> 2.0 - Build toolset / infrastructure
> 2.1    - package dependencies influencing build/installation of other 
> packages (Alex)
> 2.2    - build tools outdated and need refresh (David)
> 3.0 - General topics
> 3.1    - decide on direction of /hipster effort (David)
> Here some my thoughts about the topics above, please share your opinion.
> ad 3.1: hipster is in my opinion a bleeding edge / unstable type of repo. It 
> should not be limited to core or server packages, ideally a source of all 
> packages for stable/dev repos. Building a server or desktop ISO should be 
> left then for the people creating these. I personally use desktop version of 
> OI, but that was my choice to use it.
I am interested in server aspects of OI and will work towards that direction 
(simple illumos-based server with available security fixes and packages in the 
repository, similar to the common linux model). I am not sure that it is the 
best to concentrate on all development branches. OpenIndiana hasn't made any 
stable release so far (at least none I am aware off) and this kills it. People 
are afraid of everything that is called /dev, /experimental or /prestable.  I 
and others have been using prestable builds of OpenIndiana for some time now 
and I declared that it is rock-solid and suitable for /stable release. 
Therefore, if we want to create some branches, I would definitely go for 
bleeding edge (/hipster) and make /stable out of current /dev. The questionn 
here is if we have enough man power to support /stable.

> ad 1.1, 1.4: agree here; LGTMs process failed and caused people to stop 
> contributing. Using branches in git we can easily setup quick review process 
> and contributors can send their pull requests towards hipster repository. 
> Integration is then easily done by people having rights to do this (Alex, 
> David, Adam, etc).
Unless there is greater number of contributors, I don't see point in using 
branches. I like Andrzej's idea of forking a oi-userland repository and posting 
link to a changeset for a review. Do you think that using branches will help us 
at the moment somehow? I think that it will complicate some things at this 
stage. However, I am open to any ideas, which will bring simple, 
non-bureacratic reviews. 

> ad 1.3: clever release engineering is definitely required. It requires 
> integration testing. Do we have resources and/or testing environments for 
> this?
hipster jenkins and repository, nothing else I am aware of. I checked OI boxes 
and there are old development zones after people, who left. i can create zones 
if needed, but keep in mind that dev01 is running 161a7 and dev02 151a8 from 
/dev-test (this was needed in order to support MIlan's work on JDS) and running 
/hipster zone on older version is not possible due to libc changes afaik (I had 
to fully upgrade my 151a7 build server to /hipster if I wanted to run /hipster 
build zones).

> ad 1.5: it is an issue and I would label it with prio 2 at this very moment. 
> Can we exactly identify which packages are missing?
Almost every dynamic language, we have in the repository. If we could get to 
the point, that the users could install some common tools for every language 
(pip, gem, pecl, cpan, npm..) and up-to-date language version (python 2.7.3, 
ruby 1.9.x or 2.x for DTrace goodness, perl 5.14 or 5.16, lua etc), this would 
simplify porting other stuff. Next thing, I find important is absorbing as much 
as possible from ec-userland, because common server (and even desktop software) 
is there. ec-userland contains updated nginx, php, mysql, postgresql, apache 
and multimedia things like ffmpeg, vlc and their dependencies (which I am 
grateful for because I will have to deal with this in a week or so for my job. 
Thanks EC guys!). 

> ad 1.6: would it make sense to create stable, dev, release and edge branches 
> within hipster repository to stabilize releases a bit? Propagation from edge 
> to dev and stable would be easy-peasy with git. As a rough Idea how it could 
> look alike have a look at Vincent Driessen blog entry.
> ad 1.7: consider Ken's email with request for LibreOffice as a good example 
> where we could implement scrum method, delivering sprints and assigning tasks 
> to available volunteers. Which tool to use I cannot tell. JIRA is obviously 
> very common. Using milestones and issues in github one could mimic the 
> behavior.
I wouldn't complicate things with JIRA and just use Github. It is simple and we 
have it already. We have to just start creating issues and somebody should keep 
an overview. However, this can be very time consuming and the best thing we can 
do at the moment is to try coordination, so we don't duplicate our efforts and 
possibly concentrate our work on packages I mentioned above. For example, if 
few of us start to deal with one language, this should be done pretty quickly. 

> ad 2.1: package dependencies is indeed a prio 1 issue. I like the Alex's idea 
> of having BUILD and INSTALL dependencies listed. Would be manual effort 
> unless we can automate this. Any scripts to do this?
I am not aware any scripts to do this. Everytime I create new development 
environment for myself I just simply install everything because it is the 
easiest thing to do. I propose that packages have build.deps file, which 
contain FMRIs of dependencies. If a contributor is committing a new package, he 
should be aware of package build dependencies. We should think about build 
dependency tracking, once we have those files. I find having up-to-date dynamic 
languages as the highest priority for now.

> ad 2.2: prio 1* - needs immediate attention. David, you listed a few, can we 
> get a full list and split amongst us who is taking which tool to update?
In the second half of 2012, I was working on making oi-build compilable by gcc. 
I started by updating the build infrastructure. Those pieces can be reused. I 
am aware of autoconf (updated in my WIP repo), binutils, libtool (update is 
already in userland-gate, but it is delivering older libltdl) and automake 
(updated in my WIP repo). At the moment, I am working on build-essential meta 
package, which will be based on ec-userland and openindiana wiki page. Having 
this single package will simplify our life. My old WIP repository can be found 
at https://hg.openindiana.org/users/xenol/oi-build/

Seeing open discussion about release engineering and organization is great and 
motivating for moving things forward. However, let's not kill most of our 
efforts by talking and taking no action. Let's just keep things KISS and do 
some small coordination.


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