On 07/22/13 12:32 AM, Jonathan Adams wrote:
> Okay, I've upgraded to /hipster as of 21-jul ~ 10pm ish
> gnome-wm still fails for me ... maybe I'm doing something wrong.
> "gnome-wm --replace" in a terminal gives:
> gtk-window-decorator: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a
> decoration manager; try using the --replace option to replace the
> current decoration manager.
> Segmentation Fault (core dumped)
"Core dumped" sounds like the unfortunate "benefit" of upgrading from
zlib 1.2.3 to 1.2.8 without testing of any kind...
Try booting from old BE of 151a7 (and keep it for direct upgrade in the
and setting "pfexec pkg freeze pkg:/library/zlib@1.2.3" . and then
update keeping zlib at that version.
I don't know how to directly "downgrade" zlib to older version without
old BE and freezing,
but I know changes need to be tested before going into the Hipster.

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