On 02/03/2014 20:24, WarGrey Gyoudmon Ju wrote:
Hello, Alexander.
What's the relationship between OpenIndiana and SFE project?
Now more and more packages in the native repository duplicates.
I disable SFE repositories since I only need guake and cairo-dock,
can you move these two packages to the native repository?

avant-window-navigator will kill the F1 - F12 shortcuts.

I already have guake compiled, but the original cairo-dock needs lots of
Thank you in advance.


I think Alex Viskovatoff worked on Hipster SFE repository. I don't know, what is the state of this work. I don't think I'll have a time to look at cairo-dock in the nearest future. But if someone volunteers to support it, I don't see a reason why it can't be accepted in oi-userland repository.
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Computer Center of Southern Federal University

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