Hi all,I hope this is readable .
Using an OI 151a7
I'm trying to turn off flowcontroll on an Intel X520-DA2 10Gbe nicI have put 
flow_control           = 0; in /kernel/drv/ixgbe.conf and also done:dladm 
set-linkprop -p flowctrl=no ixgbe0
results after reboot:
dladm show-ether -x ixgbe0
LINK            PTYPE    STATE    AUTO  SPEED-DUPLEX              PAUSE
ixgbe1          current  up       yes   10G-f                                  
bi--                   capable  --       yes   1G-f,100M-f                     
bi--                    adv      --         yes   1G-f                          
            bi--              peeradv  --           no    --                    
dladm show-linkprop -p flowctrl ixgbe0
LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLEixgbe0  
     flowctrl        rw   no             no             no,tx,rx,bi
===============================================================The second 
output seems ok, but the first puzzles me. Als the dladm command doesn't show 
any immediate effect, I think it doesn't work.
question on: can somebody clarify to me if flowcontrol is now turned off or 
not? And if not, what do I have to do to turn it off?
I know that there were issues with the ixgbe driver in OI151a7, can this have 
something todo with that? If this is solved in a9, how would I go about adding 
the a9 driver to this a7 system (if thats's possible).
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