Hi Alexander

I will be all related to the fact that the package server is running
older pkg5 bits. I will try to do something about it sometime this



On 16 June 2014 07:19, Alexander Pyhalov <a...@rsu.ru> wrote:
> On 06/16/2014 04:03, Andrzej Szeszo wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I took latest packages from /hipster and formed /hipster-2014.1 repo
>> out of them. New IPS repo is much smaller and should make pkg
>> install/update/etc. operations faster. We've been talking about doing
>> it for quite some time now and I have finally did it :)
>> Build box was re-configured to publish new packages to the 2014.1
>> repo. /hipster repo will not receive any updates from now on and it is
>> recommended to change your publisher if you want to track the bleeding
>> edge branch:
> Hi, Andrzej.
> Thanks for doing this. I've just successfully updated my test systems.
> One more IPS question - what do you think about Web UI problem?
> It seems that current Web UI doesn't show latest packages. I think it
> selects packages based on entire version  -
> https://github.com/OpenIndiana/pkg5/blob/oi/src/web/shared.shtml#L51 . So,
> when you go to
> http://pkg.openindiana.org/hipster-2014.1/en/catalog.shtml you see only
> packages from branch.
> Interesting thing to note - I don't see such behavior on my build server -
> http://buildzone.oi-build.r61.net:1000/en/catalog.shtml - here I see the
> latest packages.
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexander Pyhalov,
> system administrator of Computer Center of Southern Federal University

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