Am 13.09.2014 um 09:23 schrieb Peter <>:

> ----- Original message ----- 
> > On 12 September 2014 17:28, Peter <> wrote: 
> > > That's rich, a project with no stable release baseline to measure 
> > > binary compatibility against won't accept patches unless ... 
> > 
> > Actually, our stated goal of "FCS quality all the time" means that we 
> > intend to treat _every commit_ in the gate as a stable release. 
> > Things are only integrated when they work, and once they're 
> > integrated, documented, and people are able to use them, we intend to 
> > keep supporting them compatibly. 
> > 
> Building and testing only on the developers computer before integration isn't 
> sufficient to be considered stable and those who would contribute, don't have 
> the resources to test widely enough to satisfy the stable contribution only 
> model. 
> Current policy also denies would be community developers the benefits of an 
> experimental branch; peer review and wider testing. There may be exceptional 
> developers who's code is perfect, but I am not one of them. 
> For the rest of us, a second set of eyes helps to develop well considered 
> api's and better quality code, and this includes a skunk build and wider 
> testing. 
> If this is the Illumos development model, the community needs to find a way 
> of working with it. 
> It sounds like Joyent has an internal experimental branch and it sounds like 
> that's what OI needs in order to enable community based developers to 
> participate similarly to Joyent developers. 
> I think it's also important to have stable snapshots for users to report bugs 
> against. 
> I would be prepared to contribute via OI, if this is possible. 
> The ARM port sounds interesting, ARM64 is a different architecture and 
> doesn't share the 32 bit isa. 
> So SPARC is presently unmaintained. 
> While I couldn't commit to maintaining it, as it is a significant 
> undertaking, I could run tests and help debugging and contributing some 
> improvements. 
You will need a working SPARC distribution first.
As far as I know the only working SPARC OpenSolaris derived distribution is 
OpenSXCE from Martin. He is frustrated because of the lack of support for it.
If you really want to have such a distribution you should consider joining that 
effort and helping him. You could offer him some money in order to finish his
work and release the sources for both, x86 and SPARC. He changes his mind 
often, probably because of his frustration but if he sees some real help
(especially money wise) I guess he would be able to set the basis for what you 
want. From what I read from his blog his actual plans are to release it
anyway, but that might change again if he continues to have so little support. 
Recommendations are cheap but without a momentum this would not happen! There 
are too few SPARC machines and enthusiasts left.

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