Hi Martin,
Thank you for your detailed answer.
I am actually aware of the different messages you are refering to, and as I
mentioned earlier, one can understand your frustration.

There is no OI leader anymore and the timing to announce the resignation
might have been unfortunate for you: I do not think there was ever such a
thing as "OI leadership" and Alasdair's resignation does not imply
rejection of your contribution.
People who kept releasing 151a1, building JDS and X11 consolidations and
the people who started the Hipster initiative got over it and moved forward.

Your technical merits have never been unappreciated (noone can deny them):
people seem more confused about your sudden reactions.
Also, to me, reading Garrett d'Amore's emails shows more concern about your
way of antagonizing and interacting with other developers, than criticizing
your achievements or treating you as an idiot: again, noone can deny your
achievements and merits.

Also, throwing someone out of the mailing list directly is usually not the
most sensible thing to do... the manner is wrong,
But there are also times and places for political debates and others for
software/hacking related stuff: I personally do not care much about
political opinions on *these* mailing lists, there are other places for
them (like dinners with friends).

Again, by creating an isolated one-man project, your are bound to be
marginal and be confronted to issues.
My point was only to mention that there are people out there, eager to move
forward and do not care much about any Illumos developer related debate
(these are OpenIndiana mailing lists, not illumos), personal feud or
political debate.

Thank you again for your work.
Kind regards,


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Martin Bochnig <mar...@martux.org> wrote:

> Hi Aurelien,
> ok, I re-subscribed again in order to respond.
> I think you need to be reminded of some facts.
> """""> Had you become the leader of the OpenIndiana SPARC port instead
> of running OpenSXCE alone, maybe your work would have become the
> reference SPARC distribution and got more recognition.
> > More important, there would have possibly been opportunities to develop
> a paid support activity for it as you are the reference person in that
> domain or even given job opportunities.
> Thinking that by providing a binary distribution, you would create a
> community of users (with some of them willing to pay support) seems to
> be quite optimistic."""""
> Maybe you missed how the OI leadership treated me while I was in the
> active process of creating a first prototype of this, the initial
> SPARC OpenIndiana LiveDVD: The beloved ex-OI leader chose to drop OI,
> while not warning me of that, nor ever even attempting to contact me.
> So they kept me busily working on a project that was DeadOnArrival due
> to their decisions.
> Then lets take the grand Illumos leader: He told me, I'm insane and
> should stop from working on anything related to Illumos. And while I
> had proposed creating such a "Reference Distro" for them, they not
> only never responded to that proposal in any reasonable manner, but
> went on to ridicule me, refuse to just read what I wrote (namely that
> it runs also on x86/x64, not only on SPARC).
> Instead an Anti-SPARC flame war was taking place on the Illumos Devel
> list. And worst: All this did not happen early on in Summer of 2012,
> when I was first announcing my ideas and concrete steps to these
> lists, but _after_ in spent 6 months working on it (for free), on the
> day when I finally got it completed on Jnauary 30th 2013.
> Then the mainline was suddenly: Nobody wants this, nobody needs this,
> Illumos is developed by developers (in contrast to preserved by
> nostalgic hobbyists).
> I mention again: OpenSXCE does not only run on SPARC, but also on x86/x64.
> I probably can write this 500 times, but the mainstream will never notice
> it.
> All  that.
> Believe me: I'm *done* with them.
> Here just a single of my older Blog posts about this, with further
> links into the list archives:
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> Let me repeat this 20 times:
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> http://opensxce.blogspot.de/2013/06/unbelievable-nobody-at-oi-nor-illumos.html
> Google yourself for the archived messages, where Mr. Illumos told me,
> I'm an idiot incapable of achieving anything half-way worthwhile, and
> that he would never ever hire me, because I'm just too stupid.
> Yes, it's in the archives.
> So do me the favour: Let's stay in sync with reality.
> You probably also forgot, that they threw me out of the Illumos lists
> because of Madame S.'s new "no kveching rule", when I posted the true
> imperial US plans to invade Syria 12 months ago, based on the Sarine
> false flag.
> Again:  Believe me: I'm *done* with them.
> What's your next suggestion for me?
> That I shall apply for a job at the heroic US-Army??
> %martin bochnig

LARCHER Aurélien          | KTH, School of Computer Science and
Work: +46 (0) 8 790 71 42 | Lindstedtsvägen 5, Plan 4, 100 44 Stockholm,
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