On 10/12/15 07:09 PM, Bruce Lilly wrote:
listing source repositories (
http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Source+Repositories ) appears to be
quite out-of-date, so even if it were possible to easily find the
source there, it might not be
what's actually used.  Therefore I gave up trying to look (ever wonder
why there are so few
developers working on OI...?).
illumos is using Github and OI hipster is on Github too,
and source files are downloaded from upstream (,patched?) and built in Jenkins.
See: hipster.openindiana.org,

It is a good question weither Oi got to have it's own source code repositories to match every Oi hipster 'snapshot' release. it does because source code distribution must be provided together with binary distribution, per licensing requirements of free software.

It is not only convenience to have all sources also available inside the OI project servers (like having replicated copy of all source on OI GIT servers or updated source archives), but it is an _obligation_ to provide readable sources for _every_ binary distributed by OI, so just pointing out to external http link for sources is not a solution to fullfill free software licensing requirements, because obligation to provide source is on distributing party, therefore OI, not external source on internet that is maybe available and maybe not.

Crew (Alp is most active and keeping it up together with others)
is on #oi-dev and #openindiana on irc.Freenodenet IRC channel, so feel free to drop buy. :)

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