On 11/27/15 05:05 PM, ken mays via oi-dev wrote:
We agreed that we could move to FF 43.x (now version 43.0b7 today) to resolve 
many rendering issues and migrate to the next ESR release or provide an 
additional package of the current 38.4.0 ESR release.

Usually, if you need an older browser you can uninstall a current browser and 
install the old one (or place it in another directory - which I've done for 
years). The Oracle provided browser releases allows users to go back and do 
this (or we can support specific FF releases in IPS).

So technically, we could push forward with FF 43b7 today and then provide a FF 
38.4.0esr package as well for those
users that need/want it (as we do something similar with GCC or NVIDIA 

The other issues like migration issues is something we document to alleviate 
those issues with developer support teams. This is standard software porting 

That way, you CAN still have your cake - while just eating some of it too!
Ok ship it. Let's move along with it.

I am just uneasy with many people with existing FF profiles reporting core dumps on exit. It seems like it will be there for some time but at least there will be more people to figure it out.

If I can transfer remembered passwords, history and bookmarks
(I made it bringing passwords from FF24 by selecting signon.importedFromSqlite to default (right click->reset) in about:config) to new profile , but it seems that I need a new FF profile not to have it dump cor eon exit.

I did not yet figure why new empty profile has no problems on exit and old FF profile makes it core.

In meantime, I ruled out that Addons are probably not the primary cause because sometimes it even does not core on exit and sometimes, with same addons , dumps core (starting->closing->core dump)

So I'll forget about updating profile
if I can easily move History, Bookmarks and Passwords, providing their format is updated. *Please, everyone let's figure out how to easy migrate our Firefox profile to empty profile*
so we can live with new FF.

Actually new FF lives fine with existing FF profile,
only problem now is dumping core on exit and I don't know yet what in existing profile might trigger it in new FF.

And dumping core on every program exit I could live for short time but not for long.

We can then focus on updating our video/input drivers before end of year....


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