On 05/ 1/16 06:30 AM, Michael Kruger wrote:
Hello all,

Here is a little something I have been working to help showcase documentation for the OpenIndiana project.

Currently hosted are:

OpenIndiana FAQ (Complete, but still growing and improving)
OpenIndiana Handbook (little more than a template at this point)
OpenSolaris Books (41 titles from the 2009 redistributable docs release)

All of this resides on github, so further evolution of this website and it's content simply follows existing development practices.

Here is the URL: http://makruger.github.io/website/

I would like you have been doing this not alone, but within Openindiana community and cooperation with others, with announcing it here.

Also using Openindiana brand name outside openindiana.org for site names (like .ninja etc) is not good, since it is where search engines might forward people and that lowers openindiana.org rank.

All Openindiana infrastructure things can be easily covered within OI's infrastructure, regarding the need for test sites, GIT repositories, and in-development documentation hosting.

All contributions to OI's docs must follow it's license and can't be re-licensed (Marguger asked weither he can re-license Opensolaris docs to some other docs, answer is:no. That includes contributor agreement, now to OI, so that documentation dos not need nor should include any personal "Copyright" notices, except CVS logs and contributor notes.

So this should be hosted on openindiana.org.
and "© The OpenIndiana Project 2016 - All Rights Reserved" is invalid and is not valid open documentation license, even someone could argue it actually represent accepting contributor agreement, but I suggest to also use standard documentation license so it could be reused like Opensolaris docs can be used because of that. There is also reason why Opensolaris docs are made in XML using XML editing applications, so we can easily have html and PDF versions of any docs, using existing tools.

You should check and consult with someone before moving with this. Doing it alone is never good as it doesn't represent OI as a community product and more heads are always smarted then one. :) If doing alone after it grows, it gets harder to fix issues and then you used to complain that there are too many issues and changes with your texts. That is normal to have issues :)

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