Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
On 08/26/16 12:27 PM, Jean-Pierre André wrote:
Adam Števko wrote:


By the way, I sent several patches to libfuse to Adam
last may. Did you take them into account ?

Patches have been delivered since May:

Though, I have to go through our communication and check if that’s
all. I recall I haven’t applied everything.

I do not see the one I sent you on May 5th about permissions
to set timestamps on files, and I do not remember anybody
having objections about it (this has been in fuse-lite and
used by ntfs-3g for years).

I attach it again, just in case.

BTW, when I run just-compiled /usr/lib/gvfs-fuse-daemon, I receive
/dev/fuse: Permission denied.

No surprise, as it's 755. On Linux I see 666. What is correct approach
here? Should we somehow honor console user?

/dev/fuse is the interface with the kernel module, created
when the module is installed. I have always seen it with
permissions 0666 to owner root:sys

add_drv -m 'fuse 0666 root sys' fuse
ln -s /devices/pseudo/fuse@0:fuse /dev/fuse



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