Am 25.02.17 um 21:25 schrieb Nikola M:
On 02/25/17 08:41 PM, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
nikolam, you should check the comments. I have the impression that a lot of them can be deleted without loosing anything. You are right to preserve comments with valuable information, eg. technical discussions.

Selecting what should be preserved or not is changing the history, a la 1984. I am sure you are right some comments are more useful then others, yet they are all just comments.
And even just comments, they are all useful (except spam etc).
They are to be reused so ditching (and even removing ability to comment) I don't see right atm.
I think that most of the comments are obsolete. There might be some interest in what you call history. But we need to find a consensus in order to improve the wiki for developers. I personally don't care about several years old comments about non-working hardware or software.
Especially if nobody answered the comments.
For me it is more important to have up-to-date contents so that actual problems and questions can be solved. To read outdated contents is
a waste of time in my opinion.

Nevertheless, the wiki should have a cleanup and in my opinion should have a better structure. The ideas and details should be discussed either in the mailing list or on irc. BTW: it irritates me that I am alone on #openindiana-doc for some time now.

I asked for #oi-documentation to be created so I am there since then , so you must be on wrong channel. It's unofficial as it could be, so anyway.

Nevertheless am I alone in the group most of the time.

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