What is the trick to updating shared-macros.mk in oi-userland on
github?  I thought I knew how to do it, but it didn't work.

I have a fork of oi-userland on github that I made in November and a
local clone of the fork that I made just afterwards.  Recently, I
modified shared-macros.mk locally, did a commit in a new branch, and
did a push of that branch to my fork on github.  Then, I created a PR
for that change; it was integrated into oi-userland.  So far,
everything worked nicely.

Now I need to make another change to shared-macros.mk.  I kept copies
of the original file and the file after the first change.  This time,
when I did a push to my fork on github, the commit there contained
both changes.  Consequently, the PR doesn't work because of conflicts.
I was expecting it to contain only the second change.

What can I do now to make it work?

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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