Hi Franklin,

Rewriting your nicely written article for the Wiki sounds like an awful lot of work and you would lose all that pretty (presumably done with Latex) formatting.

It would be far easier for me to add a new tab on the OI-DOCS website for user contributed articles. Here we can simply add the PDF to the OI-DOCS github repository, write a nice little intro summary, and then link to the PDF. I've another article on installing a driver which I should do this for as well.

In my opinion, quality articles such as yours would be ideal to help bring attention to our MKDOCS based documentation site.


On 05/07/2017 10:29 PM, Franklin Ronald wrote:
Hi team,

Follow the final version of my Oracle Database 11g on OpenIndiana How
To. If you have interest i can write this article in OpenIndiana Wiki.



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