On 05/12/17 04:40 PM, Gordon Ross wrote:
Well, when a package is made "obsolete" by another (newer) one, we're
telling the packaging system that the newer one is a compatible
replacement for the older one, right?  In this case, that's not true.
Python 2.7 is not a compatible replacement for Python 2.6.  With it
marked obsolete, IPS actually makes it difficult to install the older
version along side.  I think that's a mistake.

Would it not have been enough to remove Python 2.6 from the userland
(so it's only installed if I actually ask for it?)


The issue is with old systems. We actually want to remove it from old installations, as it's EOLed and not maintained. userland-incorporation is not related to what packages are installed. Delivering python 2.6 in 2017? Who does do it?
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

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