On Fri, May 08, 2020 at 07:01:36AM +0000, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
> Sorry, I meant
> https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/commit/fb10babbcfd65ff74cf439bc77a2186fd79ee2a7

I have some of those changes in the 2019 source clone, but not all of
them.  I don't have the make-rules changes, but /usr/bin/pkglint is
already a python3.5 script.  I also don't have the changes in
tools/python/pkglint .  I can copy that from my May 2020 source clone.
Maybe that's the problem?  I've already replaced all the python2.7
scripts in the tools directory.

If all of this still fails, I'll try the May 2020 source clone.

I was wrong about the active BE.  It's from April 2020, not May 2020.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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