I just filed an update to this OI bug report:


It's for the pulseaudio-13.0 package, the current version in OI.

Integration of this change should be done now.  It fixes one problem
with pulseaudio.  Certainly it should be done before the pulseaudio
package is updated again.

The change is entirely in patch files.  All of the patch files for the
package reside in the patches directory.  As stated in the bug report,
you must delete some patch files, replace one, add some, and retain

Deliverables consist of four patch files, plus instructions on how to
use them.

I have some questions, and need some help with integration.  What is
required to perform the integration?  Do I need a git PR?  If so, can
somebody create one for me?  Alternatively, I could do it myself if
somebody could describe the procedure for me.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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