On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 08:12:34PM -0600, Tim Mooney via oi-dev wrote:
> I was finally in my work office and tested this.  I too do *not* get
> a popup notification when printing.  I'm not sure when it changed, but
> it does appear that it's not currently working.

Thanks for checking.  I'm not delusional after all.

> Just as for you, printing works fine, it's just the notification that
> is now missing.

That's my experience too.

> I personally can live without the notification, but it is annoying to
> know that it used to work and now doesn't.

I agree.  This is a minor problem.  It's also a low priority for me.
However, it deserves a bug report.  I can't fix it until I find out
what's missing.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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