Am 9/12/21 um 11:51 AM schrieb
Are there plans to update the OI virtualbox package ?
OI Hipster is a community project. Anybody can update packages locally
and create PR's to get it integrated into OI.
Yes correct of course.

VirtualBox 6.1.22 is working fine ...

I am using it with "vagrant" (with VirtualBox as "vagrant provider") and ruby 

$  vagrant --version

$ ruby --version
ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [i386-solaris2.11]

The ruby is compiled from source as Hashicorp recommends (they  recommend not 
to use system provided ruby).

An IPS vagrant package for OI would be nice (has anyone already made one ?)

For ruby upgrade to 2.7.4 is also possible. But ruby 3.0.2 seems not to compile 
on OpenIndiana for the moment.

David Stes

oi-dev mailing list

As I have stated before: We need more people helping with OI Hipster. We
lack contributions in almost every area:
creating/updating packages, testing and documentation. Things don't
happen magically. Efforts and engagement by volunteers is needed.
The companies involved in illumos seem only be interested in its server
use. So, the complex part of creating a desktop is up to the community...


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