On 12/14/21 12:09 PM, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:

On 14/12/2021 11:58, Jean-Pierre André wrote:
I have been trying to package for OpenIndiana a driver and utilities
developed by Andrew Nayenko and licensed as GPL2 for the exFAT file
system promoted by Microsoft as a replacement for FAT.

The packaging went fine locally (by gmake publish), but the pull
request check fails on :

aclocal: error: aclocal: file '/usr/share/aclocal/wxwin.m4' does not exist
(see https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/7389)

I have no idea of what triggers this, and as this does not occur
locally, I cannot make my own tries. I suspect having a difference of
versions in my autotools (fully updated). I also suspected the use of
the deprecated macro AC_PROG_CC_C99 had something do do with that,
but removing it does not bring any change.

I am at a loss over what else I could try, so I am giving up until
somebody points me at what I am doing wrong.

That missing file is part of the wxwidgets package. Somewhere in
library/graphics (don't know the most recent/present name).

Yes, apparently, but this exFAT package has nothing to do with
graphics, and the package checker server is supposed to have all
the libraries needed for running the checks.

Anyway I do not see how I could have inadvertently inserted such a
requirement - unless I misinterpret the meaning of the error.


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