On 01/08/2023 10:59, Stephan Althaus wrote:
On 8/1/23 10:15, Till Wegmüller wrote:
Hi Stephan

Your idea is sound. The pkg file next to a Makefile in the same directory
indicate a component.

The pkg file contains a json with all required packages so the grep trick
works, you can also use jq to filter out the json syntax cleanly.

The rebuild is one thing we should do yes, so if you can bump the version
numbers I can run it through CI.

It's a good idea! keep going.


On 01.08.23 07:40, Stephan Althaus wrote:

We are stumbling over some faults with regard to the GCC Version change.

i had the idea of a half-automation of these steps:
- find packages that need a rebuild
- patch Makefile and pkg5
- git checkout -b , git add, git commit, etc..

How to identify the appropriate packages ?
When i select packages by " (grep gcc-7-runtime" pkg) == true " i get some

-> Do we have to rebuild all other packages that have been build prior to the
commit "switch default gcc to version 10"
because of the "ABI change" ??

That would be >200 packages..

Or is my idea "stupid" in the end?


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Thanks for your response!

The one thing left open in my mind,
does the "ABI change" indeed change the function calls in a way,
so that in situations like

someprog_compiled_with_gcc10 -> somelib-compiled-with-gcc7->func() ->
somelib-compiled-with-gcc10->func() ...

or-the-like are broken?

In this case we have to rebuild all packages that have been build before

I think this can lead to errors, when a function from the libs is
called from the gcc-10 compiled package after the gcc-7 compiled library
has been loaded down the chain (probably before the next gcc-10 compiled
library is loaded further down...). The possible f...up situations
here are probably uncountable. The top priority though should go to those
programs left that load both gcc7 and 10 themselves, if there are
still any.
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
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