On 1/12/24 14:24, John D Groenveld wrote:
Another defense is to confine your browsing to VMs which you can
snapshot, pause, rollback, destroy, etc.
Kudos to the devs for maintaining pkg://openindiana.org/system/virtualbox

What's the defense against this?

admin@sol:/stardust/scratch/pkg/legacy$ echo ::memstat|pfexec mdb -k
Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                    3840150             30001   48%
ZFS File Data             3088942             24132   38%
Anon                        93455               730    1%
Exec and libs                1158                 9    0%
Page cache                  22729               177    0%
Free (cachelist)            77527               605    1%
Free (freelist)            947383              7401   12%

Total                     8071344             63057
Physical                  8054433             62925
admin@sol:/stardust/scratch/pkg/legacy$ uptime
  9:15am  up 12 day(s),  3:04,  1 user,  load average: 1.46, 0.76, 0.59


Kernel                    3840150             30001   48%


I saw this today and lost all motivation to care about Firefox/X.org memory consumption for awhile :-/

Everything in its context, I suppose.

-- Matthew R. Trower

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