a few updates here ...

i've been going through the list and picked the ones which are reachable from 
the outside first but 
also gave gftp a try. gftp and rsync turned out to be cases which don't take 
openssl 3 by just 
settings the usual as well as specific environment variables and don't offer 
related build options 
either. with the mediator set to 3.1 however they worked fine. of course that's 
a flaw in the 
buildsystem somewhere but these are 2 examples where the additional effort 
wouldn't be justified as 
far as i'm concerned.
uw imap and mongodb 4.4 don't support ssl 3 and uw imap's last releaase was in 
2011 anyway. mongodb 
would have to be updated to at least 6.0.7 for ssl 3 support.
the last relevant one from the list was proftpd. however, the current version 
1.3.8b uses dprintf() 
which indiana doesn't have so that would have to be patched first before trying 
ssl things. the 
buildsystem though, like gftp and rsync, only has a general --enable-openssl 
option which could 
cause similar problems as with rsync and gftp.
also on the list is tor. that i didn't try because i'm not sure how much that's 
actually used and 
whether we wanna keep it given its reputation. personally i like tor and use it 
quite often for 
"normal" browsing just because of the anonymity. but that's not my call so ...

Götz T. Fischer CertIT&Comp
+49(0)7225/98 98 79

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