Hi Carsten

I Tested the libdrm package on my Lenovo X230 and di not immediatly see a display resolution problem. It's not locked to a 4:3 resolution as I have a 16:9 monitor on there. I am at resolution 1366x768.

THere where some cards that are not supported anymore. Did your card loose support?


On 24.05.24 12:48, Carsten Grzemba via oi-dev wrote:
Am 23.05.24 16:05 schrieb *"Carsten Grzemba" * <grze...@contac-dt.de>:
I updated my laptop on May 22. With this BE, Xorg fails back to VESA and uses there an ugly resolution 1024x768.

The BE from May 08 is working fine with Xorg intel driver.

In this time the DRM packages was updated. Has anyone an idea what happens here. Someone seen similar problems? How can I get back Xorg working with the right resolution?

no suggestion at all?
I froze the drm and libdrm package on the old BE and updated again, now the Xorg Intel driver works as before.
The drm or libdrm package version 0.5.11-2024.0.0.85 are broken?

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