Thanks David, now I just need to find the name for a Mysql schema....
Any clues, anyone? I guess I can find the definitions for this in the jdbc class somewhere.
- Again, thanks a bunch for the help...Jeremy

David Mitchell wrote:
The schema name it's asking for isnt the schema name that you're generating,
it's a jdbc thing. I believe it's really the name of the user who created
the tables, so different users could have different tables with the same

Not sure what the setting is for other databases, but for SQL server it
always seems to be "dbo", regardless of who I log in as. "catalog" on the
other hand, seems to map to the name of the database.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 2:59 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: AW: reverse-db (reverse-db2)

Thanks for the info, extremely helpful. One more thing that maybe you could explain a little, now with the CVS version it is asking me for catalogue regular expression, followed by schema regular expression. I grok that the catalogue regular expression it is looking for is the database name, but the schema regular expression escapes me as no schema is generated yet (that's what this tool does, right? generate schema from existing data?) so it comes up with an empty schema when I specify something like a table name or (.*?). Is there anything else I need to tell it about the schema somewhere?

Florian Bruckner wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

reverse-db2 is not usable yet, this is work in progress and it just does
reverse engineering of the database, but even this is incomplete and
generating repository.xml is not working.

Concerning your problem with reverse-db, this is a known issue with MySQL.
This has been fixed in CVS, so either you can fetch the current source

CVS or wait for the next release of OJB, where these changes should be
included. Reversedb is completely independent of other OJB settings, there
is no need to set any properties or profiles, you just do a plain connect

the database and read the schema, then you can create java stubs and
repository.xml from it. The reason you are seeing garbage in the reversedb
tree is simply because it is not initialised on startup. The treemodel

replaced once you hit the "Read Schema" button. This is nothing to worry



-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jeremy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 07. Februar 2003 18:52
Betreff: reverse-db (reverse-db2)

 I have been banging my head against how to map out a pre-existing
database.  I changed the mysql.profile to my mysql db, and changed the to use the mysql db.  Really, this should be
superfluous, shouldn't it?  I mean, given what documentation on the
subject of the reverse-db component, I thought that connecting to a
database was all that was necessary (using mysql:jdbc), as it would then
read in the database tables and values, then create a schema or map of
the database.  When I connect to the database, I get no message as to
whether it connects or not (using the tests, though, I am able to create
the tables for them in the mysql db, and I see traffic, so I believe it
is actually connecting), and when I try 'read', I get:

[reversedb] java.sql.SQLException: null: Can't read dir of './%/'
(Errcode: 2)
[reversedb] 	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.nextRow(Unknown Source)
[reversedb] 	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.getResultSet(Unknown Source)
[reversedb] 12:null: Can't read dir of './%/' (Errcode: 2)

Also, why am I seeing in the reverse-db browse window part of the test
suite?  I mean, before I connect to the db, is it reading in the
repository.xml?  Do I need to create my own repository.xml or
build.xml/ to define a blank db template or something
for the reverse-db component to fill in?

As an after note, reverse-db2 seems to connect to my database, but using
the open database like this -->jdbc:mysql://localhost/testdb
shows me all the databases present, not just testdb, with unknown schema
(schema not specifies)  and new ojb repository gives me that it can't
find it's file (uses default settings) and it can't find
it's repository.xml.  So what do I put in this repository.xml, I mean,
it isn't creating a new db, I was hoping it would map a pre-existing one.
 Jeremy Capps

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