On 13 Feb 2003 at 12:21, Mahler Thomas wrote:

> getCount does exist for OJB internal purposes.
I hope this does not mean it will be deleted from the interface at 
some point ...

> If you want to work with resulsets instead with full entity objects use the
> reportquery mechanism.
I would very much like to know more on how the reportquery works, but 
the section in the mentioned link 
>  (see http://db.apache.org/ojb/query.html)
is empty.

To me it seems that the ReportQuery is just what I need since it is 
based on the repository and allows freeform sql a la min/max. I do 
not want to create objects based on such sql functions. They are just 
needed in a general database layer, which is a role OJB in mho can 
fulfill quite well.


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