Well, after severe hair pulling and teeth gnashing.  I've found a bug.  I
don't know if it's OJB or the oracle driver.  Here's what happens:

Here's the brunt of the problem -  I turn off batch-mode in my connector,
but OJB ignores that essentially, and turns it on later when the driver's
metadata says it does support batch Operations, however, because of the way
batchMode works though, OJB thinks it's written an object out, and later
when it fails to materialize it (after all, it's not yet REALLY in the
database), it tries to write it again.  Both of these "writes" go into the
batch, and this produces a "boom" when the batch.

The short-term easy fix for myself was to add this
    public void checkForBatchSupport(Connection conn)

to PlatformOracleImpl so that it won't override my setting and my code
works.  This may not be the best fix, but it gets my code going again.

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