I found this discussion in the archives from late December

Subject: Iterator Problem : Please help
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=4616

The original reporter said that he solved the problem by changing his
JDK. I'm having a similar problem, but I'm using JDK1.3.1, which is
the version which he said solved the problem.

Thomas expressed surprise
<http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=587758>
at that diagnosis, and I'm wondering if it might just be coincidental
that the original poster found the problem solved when he changed his

Especially given Thomas' surprise, I would ask if it isn't more
likely to be a problem with the database driver? I'm using
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver to talk to an Oracle 8i database.
Yesterday I was able to use an iterator through a 10K+ row result set
without problems, but was getting the exception when I did a similar
process through a 50K+ row result set. For some reason this morning,
the shorter query also throws the exception.

I can getCollectionByQuery with the same query, and I don't get the
exception. Is that strange?

I know that if this is ultimately a driver problem, then OJB users
aren't going to give me a solution. But I thought I'd see if other
people had had any similar experiences, and if anyone could offer any
suggestions. Since I'm generating an Excel file, I can work around
by foregoing object creation at all and just handling a raw result
set, but I would rather use OJB completely.

Actually, let me put that as a question to "power" OJB users: is it
"cheating" to get a raw java.sql.Connection out of OJB to do direct
work against the tables? Or is it to be expected? It seems
particularly appropriate to me for reporting when there's little
value in generating objects, but is it against the design intentions
of anyone who knows OJB more deeply than I do?


Joe Germuska
"If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time."
--Jaron Lanier

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