
I have had to modify my M:N mapping to have a qualified association.

Before that I used a non-decomposed m:n mapping without association class. The mapping 
was configured transparently and it was easy to retrieve info from that.

Now, for the qualified M:N mapping, I have to create an association class.
Here is the class diagram:

There is a M:N relationship between Package and Workstation. The Package_Workstation 
class is the association class. The relationship is qualified with the field 

class Package
int packageID; (PK)
Sring packageName;
String packageType;
Collection packageWorkstations

classs Workstation
int workstationID; (PK)
String workstationName;
String workstationType;
Collection packageWorkstations;

class Package_Workstation
int packageID; (PK)
int workstationID; (PK)
int rule_order;
Package package;
Workstation workstation;

Now my problem is how to retrieve (or store) info with this association class between 
the two classes?
Is it possible to have a "Package packages" attribute in the Workstation class and 
simply call the method "getPackages" to retrieve all the packages in a workstation?
How can I do that?

Thanks for your help

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