
Just to follow up again, could someone patch CVS -- I dont have access...



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:02 PM
Subject: Problem with prefetched relationships on extents (and a fix!)


I had a problem with prefetched relationships for collections, where the
owner of a collection in a relationship is a class that is part of an
It manifested itself by when I tried to access the collection in an owner it
always had size of zero. I tracked down the problem to CollectionPrefetcher
it gets the owner by identity using the foreign key in the item class in the
collection. It was creating an instance of Identity using the real
class of the object whereas in RsIterator the owner instance is cached using
the top level class in the extent (as the primary keys must be unique across
all concrete classes in
an extent). Hence I change CollectionPrefetcher thus in the
associatedBatched method of CollectionPrefetcher:

Existing line of code

    id = new Identity(getOwnerClassDescriptor().getClassOfObject(),

Change it to

        id = new Identity(
fkValues );

and collection prefetch should work for all types of owner both concrete and
part of an extent. I havent checked the 1:1 relationship prefetcher.

As a side not this analysis could have remifications for other places in the
code where a new Identity() instance is created. 


Mark Rowell

Mark Rowell

T: +44 (020) 7400 5078

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