
Create a new cache class which extends ObjectCacheDefaultImpl; you just need
to override one method:

    public void cache(Identity oid, Object obj) {
        if (oid.getObjectsClass() /* should be cached */) {
            super.cache(oid, obj);

It might make more sense to look at getObjectsRealClass(), depending on your
object model.


Steve Clark
Technology Applications Team
Natural Resources Research Center/USGS

>From: "Thomas Phan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: apply caching with condition
>Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 18:03:39 +0800
>I've N tables, and I use ObjectCacheDefaultImpl for (N - 1) tables. May we
>define ObjectCacheEmptyImpl for the last table? Some tables, like the log
>table, have a lot of INSERT, and they won't be SELECTed most of the time

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