
I think I've lost something "in the way she moves...":

I get a list of objects using OQLQuery. In XML I've used proxy="dynamic".
Works fine. I show the objects in a JTable.
Fine. All working. Great. Fast, works as many time I test.

Now, user change a value in a cell (I don't allow user to change Primary
Change made by the user is "set" in proxy object (and using a debugger I see
value changed on realSubject).
All fine to here. Now user presses a "Save changes" button.

I do (p is my proxied object passed throught a Interface, as defined in
Tutorials and in JDK 1.4.1_02 docs):

    Transaction t = this.odmg.newTransaction();


    t.lock( p, Transaction.WRITE );


When I execute the query again, values has not been changed. Even, in
database was not changed. I need to be inside a transaction to call "set"
methods? Exists any bugs in OJB RC1 that prevents proxied objects to be

db.deletePersistent works fine (with proxied and non proxy objects), and new
(non proxy) are stored fine too.

Thanks for any clarification.

Edson Richter.

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