Hi to all,

It looks like I am trying to do something that OJB can not handle, some
advise would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to resolve the following problem, related to complex 1 to n
mapping and I was wandering if OJB was able to handle this case.
I am trying to setup a multiLanguage dictionnary where by a label can have
multiple representations in different languages. I.E. value of Label A in
French is not the same as value of Label A in German or value of Label A in

1) First let's see the database schema

Table Language (The master), is defined as:
Create table Language (LanguageID integer primary key,LanguageName

Table Label (The detail), is defined as:
Create table Label (LabelID integer primary key, LanguageID integer primary
key, value varchar(50))

2)Ok, now it looks like it is quite easy to define a mapping allowing a 1
to n relationship between the language table and the label table. I.E.
retrieve all labels related to one language is quite easy with OJB.

Now the real question, how can I retrieve all languages related to one
label, since the Label table is using a multiple column primary key, I
would like to get an object that would look like:

class Label {
 int LabelID;
 Hashtable values;


class Language {
 int LanguageID;
 String LanguageName;

Where the content of the Hashtable should store all known values from the
Label table for a given Label. I.E. Label.values('French') = <label in
or Label.values('german') = <label in german>. In other terms each Label
object contains all representation of a given string in different

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