What sort of parser errors, BTW?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bonnie MacKellar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:10 AM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: RE: repository.xml question

Hmph. I tried that already, and it did not work. Maybe I
will try copying your exact xml code below into mine,
in case there is a lurking type in my code.

thanks a million,
Bonnie MacKellar
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:59 AM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: RE: repository.xml question

Here's my repository.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample metadata repository for the ObJectBridge System.
     Use this file as a template for building your own mappings-->

<!-- defining entities for include-files -->
<!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository SYSTEM "repository.dtd" [
<!ENTITY database SYSTEM "repository_database.xml">
<!ENTITY internal SYSTEM "repository_internal.xml">
<!ENTITY user SYSTEM "repository_user.xml">

<descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted">

    <!-- include all used database connections -->

    <!-- include ojb internal mappings here -->

    <!-- include user defined mappings here -->


As you can see, I took those lines out completely, as well as the ENTITY

-----Original Message-----
From: Bonnie MacKellar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 9:54 AM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: RE: repository.xml question

Did you comment out the lines in repository.xml which refer
to the other ones? 
I am asking because I tried to do that and am getting
xml parser errors. Obviously I am doing something very
wrong, but a comparison between the original repository.xml
and the one I modified is turning up nothing that I can see.

Bonnie MacKellar

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:50 AM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: RE: repository.xml question

Don't know about Weblogic, but I am running fine with only the one's you
mentioned plus repository_internal.xml.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bonnie MacKellar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: repository.xml question

Which of the files in the repository.xml hierarchy do I really need
if I am using OJB in a servlet based app under Weblogic?
I know I need repository.xml, repository_database.xml, and

How about repository_junit.xml, repository_ejb.xml, repository_internal.xml,
and repository_jdo.xml?

If I do need them, are there any caveats on how they need to be set up?

Bonnie MacKellar

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